On the first level, players take a virtual walk to the old lighthouse. A wooden staircase leads up. At first glance, it seems reliable. But who knows what surprises await players along the way. The stone idol looks mysterious. It's hard to say for sure whether he promises players good luck or cautions to be circumspect. Either way, the adventure begins.

The second illustration takes players to an empty rocky shore. Two boats seem to have been here for a long time. The coast looks completely deserted. But if you explore this place more closely, you can find a lot of interesting things. Animals are hiding among the stones, the grass is full of insects, and you can find many useful items on the shore. For example, a kerosene lamp can be a great help in further searches.

We make our next stop in a picturesque place, near a waterfall. Here, turbulent streams of water and luscious greenery give a feeling of freshness. In this corner you want to stay longer. Plus, there's a lot of work to do here. Try to find flowers, birds, fruits among the rich greenery. And some objects are hiding among the rocks. Even in the small splashes of the waterfall, you can see unexpected objects.

The next illustration is completely different from the previous level. After a rich image, players will have to quickly rebuild and adapt to look for objects at night. Multiple light sources help fight darkness. The area itself looks pretty mystical. The silhouette of the castle with pointed towers is visible against the background of the night sky. Stone steps lead up to a mysterious arch. Anyone can hide in the blue darkness. We'll tell you a secret that players will have to meet both bats and a predatory panther. Even the stone gargoyles that guard the staircase make onlookers cringe in fear.

On the previous level, dark shades prevailed, but here white color reigns. We were transported to a snowy land and found ourselves in front of a drawbridge and a protective wall. At first glance, it may seem that there is almost nothing here - only drifts and ice icicles. But of course it is not! Once players start exploring the wall, they will find a knight, statues, a burning torch, and many other details.

The new level opens up a real paradise for players. The illustration shows a fragment of a magnificent palace. It seems to be made of crystal - the steps, walls and turrets shine so brightly. The palace is buried in greenery, and you can see the majestic mountains behind it. But besides the fact that the image gives an aesthetic pleasure, it allows you to hide many objects. Foliage of trees, handrails of stairs and even mountains in the distance reliably hide various details from the players' eyes.

At a new level, a new obstacle appears in front of the players. They have to overcome a section of the way through a mountain river. A rope bridge is thrown between the rocks. He will help travelers move to a new level. The bridge, cliffs and rocky shore have become a refuge for many items. A lynx is hiding among the bushes, a snail and a dragonfly have taken refuge on the shore, a snake crawls silently in the thickets. And in the water you can find the most unexpected objects - for example, a sundial and a toy duck.

At the next level, players can relax in a spacious bungalow. Delightful views of the ocean and deserted beach are relaxing. But before you rejoice, you need to thoroughly explore the bungalow space. Surprisingly, here you can find many surprises. A hammock - for a comfortable rest, a hat - to create a stylish look, a broken coconut - to enjoy tropical fruits. Even a chameleon crawled here and a parrot flew in! You will definitely not get bored at this level.

After the rich colors on the ocean coast, it's time to change the color scheme again. Another nightly illustration transports the explorers of the virtual world high into the mountains. Here, among the clouds, space is illuminated only by the glow of the full moon. There is a palace on a cliff, and a fountain gurgles next to it. Here, players need to look through each window and turn over each stone to find hidden objects. Small details are especially insidious - a smoking pipe, a snail, a key.

Once the eyes are used to the midnight darkness, it's time for players to hit the road again. On a new level, they find themselves in the underwater world. Sunlight shines through the water. It will help researchers examine the sunken ship, look under the corals and study algae. Bright fish can either help players by directing them to the trail, or distract from the search.

We make our next stop in a ruined mountain village. The remains of stone sculptures with symbols of the sun and the moon are still preserved here. It seems that pagans lived in this village, and it was here that they worshiped their deities. You can see the ruins of the house. This place is no longer suitable for life. But you can successfully hide many objects here!

What about the desert area in South America? Do you think there is nothing interesting in these sands, among the huge cacti? Believe me, there are a lot of surprises hidden here. Players will have to study the abandoned car, every inch of rocks and sands. Only in this way will they complete the task of the level.

Another level depicting a night landscape. The full moon peeped out from behind the clouds and illuminates the ruins of ancient buildings. Among the rocks, there are columns that remind of ancient temples or theaters. Players are encouraged to courageously explore this area despite the night time. They will be lucky enough to see a hot air balloon in the dark sky, enjoy the sight of a flower right on the rock and notice the flight of an eagle.

At a new level, researchers need to be even more careful. Among the numerous mountains and giant statues, a huge number of objects have been collected. It seems that the past and the future meet here, objects and animals from different worlds are combined here. See for yourself: birds are hovering in the air, and an airplane and a balloon are flying next to them. There are spare tires for the car not far from the old telephone. On the adjacent ledges of rocks, a horse grazes and a lion lies quietly.

And now we invite players to the thicket. They will easily get lost among the greenery. You will have to look behind every tree and explore every bush to cope with the tasks of the level. A deer lurked somewhere here. The tramp of an elephant is heard in the distance. On one of the trees (or maybe under a tree) an owl is turning its head. Each step reveals new details.

It's hard to tell if players have seen a volcanic eruption before or not. At the new level, this is exactly the picture. A volcano is visible in the distance. Flames and clouds of dark smoke erupt from its crater. And in the foreground is a ruined city. It looks like this isn't the first time the volcano has erupted. And yet there are signs of life: an airplane flies away from the disaster. The bright parrot calmly watches everything that happens around. The nest contains eggs, from which chicks are about to hatch.

And the next level seems to take players to the remnants of the legendary Atlantis. On the seabed, we see ruined steps, arches and statues. Once they were created by skilled craftsmen, but now all this is hidden under the water column. It seems that there is only water, fish and algae. But it is enough to take a closer look - and new, unexpected objects open up.

If dragons once lived on Earth, they were definitely popular in this place. A new level opens up for players an area that is shrouded in sadness and mystery. A stone dragon and a huge skeleton are preserved amid the bleak gray landscape. A torch, which was left by someone unknown, is burning here. Dry trees add a sense of longing and hopelessness. And only the white dove gives joy and hope. The main thing is to find it among the surrounding grayness.

And again we go to the underwater world. Now players find themselves in a destroyed hall. In the center there is a majestic statue, you can see the remains of columns and stone vaults. Among this splendor, fish swim freely. And also a variety of objects are hidden here: a sign with the word “reserved”, a wooden barrel, a spear. It is very difficult to find all the necessary objects.

This illustration seems to show us the end of the Earth. A stone cliff with a lonely lighthouse and a powerful waterfall are located above the clouds. It would seem, what can you find here? And you can find a lot: old boats, a life buoy, a wheel from a cart and a rope ladder are kept here. It will be especially difficult to find small details - a dice and a boomerang.

A new level opens up for the players the bank of a rapid mountain river. Massive tree trunks bent straight to the water. Here players will have a chance to meet a bear, see a deer and even witness the flight of UFO!

Let's plunge once again into the deep waters of the blue sea. There are so many treasures at this level! A chest with coins, a telescope, a steering wheel and many other items are hidden among the corals. A huge turtle, a shark and a stingray majestically float above them.

And finally, back to the rainforest. It is unexpected to see a bungalow here. And yet, the hut hides a lot of interesting things from the players. Here you have to explore every inch of the picture: surprises and hidden objects await everywhere.