Poets, writers and artists have been addressing the subject of the Demon for centuries. The image of a fallen angel who rebelled against God and was expelled from paradise is always very expressive. The Demon's figure becomes even more vivid when he is depicted next to the Angel. This timeless juxtaposition creates a dramatic contrast. In it everyone sees their own meaning: the struggle between good and evil, freedom and dependence, joy and suffering. The Angels & Demons slot is built on the contrast of two worlds and two images. Players are waiting for characters, each of which is attractive in its own way.

Opposites are already encountered in the design of the game reels. One part of the decorative frame around the reels is framed in red, and the other in gold. Accordingly, on the part dedicated to the world of evil, a red webbed wing is depicted - these are the wings that demons can have. On the white part of the frame, we see a snow-white feather of an angel made of light feathers. Pay attention to how contrasting colors, blue and red, are intertwined in the name of the slot.

On the game background, there is a picture with two worlds. They don't just exist side by side. We see the worlds of angels and demons fighting. It looks like the demon-ruled part is trying to take over the other half. Here flames are raging, waves of boiling lava rise, red-hot meteorites fall from the sky. This is a real picture of the Apocalypse! It is immediately clear that evil is trying to take over the world and destroy all living things. But the world, in which the Angels remained, comes to the defense. Here the mountain slopes are covered with emerald grass. High peaks with snow-white caps aspire up to the sky. And in the sky, the clouds are illuminated by the golden light of the sun's rays. When we look at this picture, we feel the presence of higher powers in the world. The struggle between these two worlds is a struggle of the elements. The fire chokes and retreats every time it meets a wall of stone in its path.

The second game background also clearly demonstrates to the players the difference between angels and demons. The screen is divided into two equal parts. A high pedestal is depicted in the center. Now there is no one on it, but we understand that both the Angel and the Demon can take the pedestal, depending on who wins in the fight. The left side of the pedestal has been prepared for the angels. A large figure with a symbolic wing is mounted on a white column. See how the essence of the angels is metaphorically shown: the white and gold wing has soft curves, it is decorated with smooth lines. This part of the pedestal is surrounded by clouds and rays of sunlight. Several similar golden wings are drowning in the clouds, as if several angels are already here. The right side of the podium is for demons. A red wing with sharp black spines rises on it . These thorns seem to attack the white "angelic" part. The sky behind it is filled with a fiery glow. Even the clouds turned red. Several similar wings with spikes peek out from the clouds.

The next screen depicts the heavenly palaces in which the angels live. It is as if we have risen even higher and are watching this world from behind the clouds. Such a green lawn and a lake could be found in a park. But the difference is that this world is hidden high in the sky. Here is a large round pavilion, and next to it is the figure of an angel with outstretched wings. A little further near the waterfall, there are also figures of angels with trumpets. Everything here is illuminated by an unusual bright blue glow.

The next three screens show scenes of heavenly life closer. In the first image, you can see a fragment with a gazebo and an angel figure. See how the angel humbly folds his hands in prayer. The marble pavilion invites you to relax, enjoy the peace and experience real appeasement. There is a lot of greenery around here, this allows you to feel the freshness of the air. A golden lyre remained on the steps of the gazebo. She looks very appropriate in this Garden of Eden. A bright peacock walks slowly around the gazebo: it looks like the garden is full of birds.

The new screen shows a large fragment of the shore at the foot of the waterfall. In front of the audience, there is almost a picture of an idyll: a garden swing hangs from a tree, an openwork bridge is thrown across the river, and a path made of marble slabs leads to the water. There are flowers everywhere - the hydrangea is fragrant on the shore, and a lotus has blossomed in the water. And yet there is something that disturbs this peace. A snake is crawling along the shore. The story of Eve and the Tempter Serpent is involuntarily recalled. Then it was the demon who turned into a snake to seduce Eve to pick the forbidden fruit. This is precisely the reason why people lost paradise.

And finally, consider another fragment of the heavenly garden. Here, at the source of the waterfall, there are two figures of angels with trumpets. It's time to remember that the very word "angel" means "messenger", "the one who brings the message." And the trumpets in the hands of marble angels remind that angels are God's messengers. They inform people about the will of the Higher Forces and warn about upcoming events. The trumpets in their hands symbolize sound. It is believed that angels blow trumpets during the Last Judgment.

It's time to look at the slot symbols. Before us are three higher symbols, designed for three lines of the reels. Each symbol depicts characters - an Angel and a Demon. To emphasize the opposite characters of the heroes, we portrayed the Angel as a girl, and the Demon as a man. There is another parallel here - the attraction of different poles, the unity of opposites. The Angel Girl is depicted in a light white dress. She has golden curly hair that falls over her shoulders in soft waves. Large white wings behind her help her to float in the air. The demon is a young man, very attractive in his own way. He has a very athletic body with a pronounced relief. The demon attracts attention with a kind of magnetism, even though he represents evil. The demon is a bright, expressive figure, he seems vicious, but deeply unhappy. The meeting of the Demon with the Angel only increases his suffering: the fallen angel expelled from Paradise will no longer be able to reunite with a beautiful girl, even if he really wants to. On the symbol, where they are depicted together, we see not only conflict, but also suffering. It burns the Demon more than fire.
An animated version of these symbols emphasizes the nature of each character. The Angel flies easily in the sky, and the Demon is forever associated with a raging flame. Sparks of fire scatter in all directions and it seems that even from the screen a heavy heat is blowing.

In addition to vertical versions of symbols with characters, there are also options in the classic format. They are designed for one reels cell. In addition to the images you already know, two more symbols have been added to the higher symbols - Wild and Bonus. The Bonus symbol depicts a suffering heart. It seems to explode into fragments, hit by sharp pieces of ice. A part of the heart is hidden in the shadows, so it does not appear not just red, but red and black. It is in these colors that the images dedicated to the Demon are made. The audience understands that it is the Demon's suffering is represented on the symbol. The Wild symbol depicts fire and sparks that scatter from it. All symbols in this category are decorated with a curly gold frame.
On animated symbols, we see movement not only of characters. Here you can see how the fire burns, the heart grows and the inscriptions pulsate.

The next category of symbols depicts various objects from the worlds of Angels and Demons. For example, the golden lyre and the red rose belong to the world of Angels. In the Bible tradition, angels are often depicted holding a rose in their hands; this red flower symbolizes the passion of Christ. At the same time, the horned skull ring and trident, of course, came from the demon world.
On animated symbols, each object takes on a special character. The candles burn with an even, calm flame. A sparkling spray of fresh rose erupts from the rose. Gold sparks run along the lyre, similar to the glare of the sun's rays. Tongues of fire shoot out from the eyes of the skull. The trident moves abruptly from side to side, as if it were being controlled by an invisible hand.

Low symbols are made in the form of multi-colored letters and numbers. They are decorated with tongues of fire and white feathers of angel wings.
The video shows an animated version, where the letters increase, and the flame burns evenly on them.

The congratulatory screens “Bonus” and “Fine Bonus Win” are laconic. The game background with the general image of the Garden of Eden is darkened. A text with information about the win appears on it.

The inscription is made in blue. This is a reference to the world of angels, because blue symbolizes heaven and peace. The letters along the outline are highlighted with a golden glow. The font corresponds to the heavenly world: the letters are smooth, like the wings of angels.

On the “Fine Free game” screen, the inscription is located on a rectangular plate. The background of the plate looks like a whirlwind of golden sparks, which are twisted into a spiral. They seem to be carried away into the distance and grab the attention of the players. A gold figured frame is depicted along the perimeter of the tablet.

On the “Free game” screen, the inscription is located right on a translucent haze that covers the game background with the image of the heavenly abode of angels. The focus is on the large blue letters with gold trim.

On the “Win” greeting screen, the letters are the largest. The screen style is similar to the previous ones, it supports the general style of the slot.