Players start building objects one by one. At the start, they all have a basic level and a minimum of opportunities. The park is gradually expanding, new and new objects appear in it - a pond, a casino, themed castles, and so on. As soon as resources allow, players begin to improve each of the available objects. In total, there are five levels of development for each object. Of course, the more developed the building, the more attractive it is for visitors. The park is growing and generating more and more income.

Let's take a look at a casino as an example of how a park's infrastructure can develop. Once the players build the casino, it is a small one-story building with a simple signage. Gradually, the second floor appears, attractive lighting for the signboard, slot machines in front of the building.

In addition to the color version, black and white sketches are also presented for each level. In the process of working on buildings, color options can be changed.

All other objects of the park are developing according to the same principle. The skateboard and rollerblading area also looks very simple at the very beginning. Gradually, a slide, obstacles, a canopy and other improvements appear on it.

The park also has thematic castles, analogs of the fear room. One of them has a pronounced theme - these are vampires and the undead. This place will be especially popular with visitors on the eve of Halloween! The object gradually develops from an ordinary gloomy house to the very real Dracula's castle.

Those who like to relax by the water will undoubtedly love the work on the next object - the lake. In the beginning, it is just a place to contemplate the expanse of water. But gradually the possibilities are expanding. With each new level, boats for riding are added and improved, and gazebos appear near the lake.

Another area for thrill-seekers is the witch's house. It doesn't look as intimidating as a castle with vampires and the dead. But at the same time, the object is also very colorful: a witchcraft theme is clearly traced in the design. There are pointed witch hats, a cauldron of potions, and a broom for night flights.

How players arrange objects and in what order they improve depends only on their imagination. Each author will get his own, unlike the others, Mystery Park.