The bright design and theme of the game give positive emotions. Players are moved to the picturesque desert of Egypt, to the land of majestic pyramids and mysterious sphinxes. They will have to feel themselves the owners of the world. It is enough to aim the cannon at any object, make an accurate shot, and the target disappears.

The sketch of the game background leaves space for creativity. It depicts a fragment of the desert and a river that flows to the very horizon. Pyramids are visible in the distance. In the foreground, there is a stone platform for the main character. As details, the image of the branches of a palm tree, clouds and other elements is possible.

On a detailed game background, you can appreciate the variety of shades of yellow and brown in the image of sand and stones. The lower part of the stone surfaces is constantly washed by the waters of the river. Here the surface is dark, moist, textured. And the upper part of the stone platform is constantly exposed to the influence of wind and sunlight. The stones here are light, cracked and covered with sand. The shade of the sand also changes: in the foreground, the sand is bright yellow. But the further, the brighter it becomes. Closer to the horizon, the desert appears almost white.

Let's take a closer look at the objects that will become targets in the game. One of them is a composition with a sphinx. A huge statue of a mythical creature takes center stage here. The mysterious sphinx is depicted traditionally - with the body of a lion, large golden wings and a human head. A tall stone obelisk is located behind the sphinx. The composition is completed by two palms.

Another object is a sailboat in the waters of the Nile. The sketch shows the boat without details. In the final version of the image, we see that one of the main symbols of Egypt is located on the sail, Wadget - the Eye of Horus. It is believed that Horus lost his left eye during a duel with Set. Horus' right eye symbolized the Sun, and the left - the Moon. In ancient Egypt, the change in the phases of the moon was explained precisely by the trauma of Horus's eye. Why, then, is Wadget considered a strong talisman? According to legend, the god Thoth healed Horus, so the image of the eye became an amulet. At one time, it was worn by the pharaohs for additional protection.

The next symbol that is present in the game is a camel laden with luggage. It is no coincidence that a strong and hardy animal is called “the ship of the desert”: camels are able to travel long distances on the sand, under the scorching sun. This is the surest way to travel around Egypt, which has been used for many centuries. Pay attention, the Camel is covered with a rich cape, he is wearing a luxurious saddle - one that is worthy of the prince himself.

And here is the prince - the main character of the game. A young, athletic man stands leaning on a golden staff. His staff is decorated with the image of a snake. As you know, in Ancient Egypt there was a very strong cult of the snake. In particular, the serpent symbolized the god of healing, Thoth. Often, images of a snake are accompanied by statues of the goddess Isis. The head of a snake is a popular ruler's tiara jewelry in Ancient Egypt. In addition, the young man's status is emphasized by gold bracelets on his body, a hoop on his head and a rich loincloth - shendit.

The next object to be removed by the players is a palm tree. Coconuts are already ripe in its spreading green leaves. It seems that getting into such a target will not be difficult at all.

And finally, the image of the cannon itself. The weapon matches the style of the entire game. This is a fairly simple cannon that needs to be loaded with a cannonball. And the whole further game is built around the cannon. It is important to calculate the angle of flight of the cannonball in order to hit the desired object.